Wow! We had an incredible teacher takeover session this afternoon where this talented pupil led a Scratch lesson for the class and supported the class in developing their coding skills.
Wow! We had an incredible teacher takeover session this afternoon where this talented pupil led a Scratch lesson for the class and supported the class in developing their coding skills.
Today we listened to a story called “The Great Wave” by Veronique Massenot. The story was based on a painting called The Great Wave off Kanazawa by Katsushika Hokusai
We then used black pen to create our own line drawing based on the book and artwork.
In the foreground we drew the wave and Mount Fuji in the background.
We then experimentaed with colours by mixing paints and then used a hot and cold colour palette to create our own versions of Hokusai’s “The Great Wave”.
We are very proud of our finished work, based on our topic “Natural Disasters”
Our class frieze :
Over the last few weeks, Primary 5/6 have working hard to consolidate their learning of weather in French. Pupils created a script in French to describe the weather in different locations in Scotland and at different times in the day. They then created a PowerPoint to show their forecast which they presented to the class. Bravo!
Today we explored our understanding of the word science. We brainstormed our ideas in a group.
We took part in The Great Science Share…
We have been asking lots of questions and then hypothesising , experimenting, analysing our results and then making conclusions.
We learned all about the Peppered Moth and how it has evolved and adapted to survive in it’s changing environment.
We even made our own moths and experimented with weight to make them balance.
Primary 5/6 linked their learning in Numeracy and Maths and Technology today. They used what they have learnt about directions to help program Beebots and Dash. They also began to learn about debugging and correcting errors in the code.
We have recieved our certificate from the RSPB to say that our class took part in the RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch.
We submitted our results and have now added to the data for the whole of the UK.
What a great way to demonstrate that we care about our environment, that we take care of our wildlife and that we are Responsibe Citizens 🙂
You can print your certificate at home if you would like to by clicking on this link :
Today we went outdoors to enjoy some fresh air and connect with nature. We discussed the benefits of being outdoors to make us feel happy, relaxed and calm.
We took part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. Using our bird identification sheet we counted the birds that we saw in our playground. We were pleased to see robins, blue tits, crows, jackdaws, pigeons and we even spotted 2 chaffinches hiding in a tree.
We also learned how to identify birds by their calls when we came back to class. We used the dawn chorus “music” to listen to, while we drew and labelled what we had seen.
Amelia – “being close to animals and nature is good for your wellbeing”
Callum O – ” I enjoy fresh air and learning outdoors to improve my wellbeing”
As part of their Scottish Wars of Independence topic, P5/6 were tasked with creating a Scottish War dance. We had lots of fun and definitely have a few budding choreographers in the class!
P5/6 were challenged with creating bows and arrows from Knex and then using a protractor to measure the angles.