P5/6 Remote Learning and TEAMS Check In

Hello Primary 5/6

As we will now be working  and learning from home, you will be able to access everything on Teams.  You will find a new channel on our P5/6 Class Teams Page called “Remote Learning”.

We will have a live Teams Check In at 10 am on Thursday 16th December for anyone who is available and would like to check in with me and the class.  Details for this check in can be found on our Teams page.

I know some of you might be feeling sad to miss out on our class party, which should have been held on Monday 20th December, but don’t worry, I am planning a live event for anyone who can and wants to take part on Monday afternoon from 2pm – 2.30p.m. More details to follow.

Take care and stay safe and well,

See you on TEAMS 🙂

Mrs Ross xx

P5/6 – Class blog and e-portfolio survey

We would really appreciate if any parents/carers could complete the following updated survey to gather feedback about our class blogs and pupil e-portfolios. We really value any feedback. If you have previously completed a blog or e-portfolio survey it will still be extremely beneficial if you could take the time to complete this updated version. Thank you in advance.

P5/6 Toasting Marshmallows

Today we  enjoyed a campfire in the garden. We toasted marshmallows and made hot chocolate just like the children in our novel  “The Wilderness War”

We learned about fire safety and how to light a fire with a flint and steel- no matches needed by p5/6 today!

This was an exciting way to finish off our novel and talk about what we enjoyed about the book.

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