P5/6 RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch Certificate

Well done Primary 5/6.

We have recieved our certificate from the RSPB to say that our class took part in the RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch.

We submitted our results and have now added to the data for the whole of the UK.

What a great way to demonstrate that we care about our environment, that we take care of our wildlife and that we are Responsibe Citizens 🙂

You can print your certificate at home if you would like to by clicking on this link  :

Big Schools’ Bird Watch 2022

P5/6 Grid Reference Work

Today we used a variety of skills to complete a maths teamwork task with Miss Murphy.

We had to follow instructions, plan, measure, cut and  work as a team to create our own  100 square grid.

We then used mathematical language to direct each other to place objects on the correct square on our grids.

We used the terms  – 90 degree turn, 180 degree turn, 270 degree turn and 360 degree turn, clockwise and anticlockwise.

P5/6 Wellbeing Outdoors

RSPB Big Birdwatch

Today we went outdoors to enjoy some fresh air and connect with nature. We discussed the benefits of being outdoors to make us feel happy, relaxed and calm.

We took part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. Using our bird identification sheet we counted the birds that we saw in our playground. We were pleased  to see robins, blue tits, crows, jackdaws, pigeons and we even spotted  2 chaffinches hiding in a tree.

We also learned how to identify birds by their calls when we came back to class. We used the dawn chorus “music” to listen to, while we drew and labelled what we had seen.

Amelia – “being close to animals and nature is good for your wellbeing”

Callum O – ” I enjoy fresh air and learning outdoors to improve my wellbeing”

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