All posts by eajudith.ross@glow

P5/6 Den Building

We enjoyed the sunshine on Wednesday and used our design skills, working in teams to build dens. We worked together to problem solve and make our dens stay up and big enough for everyone to fit inside.  The strong breeze blowing added to this challenge!

We took shelter from the sun and used the monoculars to look at the widlife passing us by. We drew sketches in our notebooks and shared our findings back in class.

P5/6 Homework


Homework  has been uploaded  to our Class Teams Page today. You will find a channel for Primary 5 and for Primary 6.

Today, everyone has a homework jotter to keep at home in their schoolbag.

Please upload completed homework to your E-portfolio or share your homework with an adult at home.

Mrs Ross will regulalry review your Eportfolio with you to discuss your learning and the work that you have uploaded.