

We are delighted that Whole School Assemblies have resumed and we can bring home certificates to share with family and friends.

Well done to this week’s stars 10.3.22


Confident Individuals

James and Rory

For explaining to the class with confidence and excellent understanding how they solved a challenging maths problem. They demonstrated resilience and did not give up.

Successful Learner

Calum B

For excellent improvement in spelling and writing.

Effective Contributor


For having a responsible attitude in PE, collecting resources, supporting other teams and demonstrating excellent sportsmanship qualities when playing team games.

Head Teacher Award


For being a responsible member of the class.

Wider Achievements – 


Well done to this week’s stars 3.3.22

Successful Learner


Miss Muldoon has awarded this certificate for showing a positive attitude to learning and making excellent progress in reading and spelling.

Effective Contributor

For always displaying a kind, caring and positive attitude to her peers in class and in the playground.

Head Teacher Award


For fabulous work in writing, telling the time, technology and team work and demonstrating a responsible attitude to learning in class.

Well done to this week’s stars 24.2.22

Responsible Citizen


Demonstrating his excellent knowledge of Scotland’s history and sharing it with the class during discussions about the Scottish Wars of Independence


Effective Contributor

Callum O

Using problem solving skills during group work activities.


Head Teacher Award


For displaying the school values by  trying hard in class and in the playground to be responsible and respectful at all times.


Wider Achievements – 

Well done to this week’s stars 10.2.22

Effective Contributor


for being such a kind and caring member of the class. 

Responsible Citizen 


for sharing his love and passion for nature with the class during our RSPB Big Bird Watch Challenge . 

Head Teacher Award


for always displaying the school values in class and in the playground. 

Well done to this week’s stars 3.2.22


Resposnsible Citizen


for sharing her lerning and supporting others in maths. 

Successful Learner :


For excellent writing.

Head Teacher Award


for being a resonsible and respectful member of the class. 

Well done to this week’s stars 27.1.22

Confident Individual


For excellent knowledge of multiplication and division facts .


Confident Individual


Demonstrating excellent sportsmanship in P.E 


Resposnsible Citizen

Susan and Amelia

for representing the school at the Digital Leaders meeting. 


Head Teacher Award

Callu m O for being a responsible and positive member of the class. 


Wider Achievements 

Callum and Rory for representing their running club at the Superteams Event at the Emiretas Arena in Glasgow. 


Well done to this week’s stars 13.1.22

Confident Individual


For completing tasks in numeracy and asking for help when he needed it.

Successful Learners :


For excellent work in numeracy, showing resilience when tasks were tricky.

Head Teacher Award


For working hard in all areas of the curriculum and having a positive. attitude to learning


Well Done to this Week’s Stars  26.11.21

Confident Individual


For demonstrating confidence in skiing this week.

Successful Learner :


For her super persuasive writing about saving the wilderness. 

Head Teacher Award


For being a kind and supportive member of the class.

Wider Achievements – 

James – orange belt at Karate

Amelia and Marni – winning their first netball match

Well Done to this Week’s Stars  18.11.21

Effective Contributor:


Keeping the classroom tidy and organised and being responsible all week.


Successful Learner :


Writing an excellent plan for her persuasive argument.


Head Teacher Award


For being a responsible, respectful member of the class. Amelia is always eager to help others and makes sure her work is the best it can be at all times.   



Wider Achievements – 

Marnie and Amelia have started a new Netball Club 

Joshua learned some fabulous new life saving skills at swimming.

Rory and Callum took part in a cross country event in Ayr. 


Well Done to this Week’s Stars  11.11.21


Confident Individual:


Showing resilience and determination while learning to slow down and stop at skiing.

Successful Learner :


Showing excellent understanding of decimals, fractions and percentages.

Head Teacher Award


For being a responsible member of the class and always trying his best when working as a team.

Well Done to this Week’s Stars  4.11.21



Successful Learners  :


For working hard  all week , completing tasks and making excellent progress in numeracy and writing.

Confident Individual


Trying hard in numeracy and being confident to give new tasks a go even when they were challenging.  


Head Teacher Award


For being a responsible and respectful member of the class and demonstrating these values at all times.

Well Done to this Week’s Stars  28.10.21

Successful Learners  :

Luke   and    Oscar

For working really hard to solve division calculations using speed and accuracy and not giving up when it got tricky.


Effective Contributor


Demonstrating excellent team work during our K’Nex challenge.


Responsible Citizen

Calum Brown

For being a supportive and thoughtful member of the class. Always being considerate of others and displaying this during skiing by cheering on his classmates and helping them when they needed it.

Head Teacher Award


For always demonstrating the school values, being respectful, resilient and responsible at all times.

Wider Achievements – 

Well Done to this Week’s Stars  21.10.21

Successful Learner :

Callum O’Neill

Writing an excellent descriptive setting – Callum used the success criteria to edit and up level his work and improved his vocabulary using a thesaurus.


Confident Individual:


Demonstrating confidence in digital technologies by using Clicker 7 to write an excellent piece of descriptive writing. He used editing tools to self-correct and then save and print his work.


Responsible Citizen


For being a supportive and thoughtful member of the class. James is always offering help to others and is kind and caring at all times.


Head Teacher Award


For always trying his best and producing some excellent work in both maths and art this week.


Wider Achievements 


Performing a racing dive at swimming lessons.


Well Done to this Week’s Stars  4.10.21

Successful Learner :


Writing an excellent recount of our skiing trip. Oscar wrote in paragraphs, included time openers and wrote about how he felt throughout the day.


Confident Individual:


Luke used a positive mindset to over come a fear he had when tubing. He didn’t give up and with a little bit of support from his friends rose to the challenge!


Responsible Citizen


For choosing to help and support someone putting their needs before his own, showing respect and kindness.

Head Teacher Award


For displaying  kindness and generosity to her classmates this week, supporting others and helping her friends.


Wider Achievements – 


For learning to play a new song on his guitar – Back in Black 


Well Done to this Week’s Stars  30.9.21

Effective Contributor:


For creating an excellent poster explaining the PATHs golden expectation to display in our classroom.

Successful Learner :


Showing excellent understanding of multiplying whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.

Head Teacher Award

Calum B

For always displaying the school values by being responsible, resilient and responsible at all times in class and around the school.

Wider Achievements – 


For gaining his purple belt in karate


for being name Penalty King at football. He also achieved perfect attendance. 

Callum O

for performing in a television advert  about Centre Stage 


Well Done to this Week’s Stars  23.9.21

Responsible Citizen:


Having an excellent knowledge of the world around her and contributing to class discussions about mini beasts and their importance to the environment.

Successful Learner :


Showing excellent understanding when reading, writing and ordering numbers to one hundred thousand.

Head Teacher Award


For being a responsible member of the class, showing a positive attitude to work and being kind and helpful to Mrs Moore all week.

Wider Achievements – 

Callum O

for  achieving a medal at his Athletics Club Championships.


Well Done to this Week’s Stars  16.9.21

Effective Contributor:


For making excellent contributions to class and group discussions, having good ideas and suggestions that he is confident to share with the class.

Successful Learner :


Showing excellent understanding of numbers to 1 million and beyond, and choosing challenge work to extend her understanding.

Head Teacher Award


For being a responsible member of the class. Supporting others and being kind and helpful to his classmates.

Wider Achievements – 

Oscar – starting golf and playing for the first time on a golf course.



Well Done to this Week’s Stars  9.9.21

Successful Learner :


Working hard in numeracy and completing challenge work to extend his learning.


Responsible Citizen :


For showing excellent understanding of the Global Goals and making links in class discussions to demonstrate his knowledge of Global Goal 15 Life on Land.


Head Teacher Award


For being a responsible member of his group, making sure everyone is included and giving compliments to help boost his friends confidence.


Wider Achievements – 

Calum B – running in a 9mile  run for charity – Ayrshire Hospital  !
Rory – for getting through to the semi finals of his tennis club champs.
Calum O – for competing in the tennis championships and taking part in his running club champs.
Marni gained 11!!!!! Brownie badges this week!
Rory and Callum are now Brown Caps in golf .

Well Done to this Week’s Stars  2.9.21

Head Teacher Award


For being a responsible and kind member of the class.

Effective Contributor 


Participating well in class discussions with some excellent ideas and contributions.

Confident Individual 


For being brave, making great choices and having a growth mindset when facing challenges.

Well Done to this Week’s Stars  26.8.21

Head Teacher Award


Having a positive attitude to learning and showing Responsibility in her new class.

Effective Contributor 


Solving problems and having a positive mindset when learning new things in class.

Responsible  Citizen 


Being respectful to his peers by helping them and having kind words of encouragement.

Wider Achievements


Angelfish Swimming Certificate – level 1 and 2 !







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