Every week P5/6 enjoy a Friday workout to kickstart their learning. Today they chose Jumpstart Jonny -Everybody say Whoopa! 🙌 !
Followed by some fresh air and outdoor learning in the garden 🪴 ☀️
Every week P5/6 enjoy a Friday workout to kickstart their learning. Today they chose Jumpstart Jonny -Everybody say Whoopa! 🙌 !
Followed by some fresh air and outdoor learning in the garden 🪴 ☀️
We have enjoyed exploring the different career paths that are available to us. We have watched videos about the jobs staff in our school have had. We have also enjoyed listening to interviews that we completed with our parents as homework tasks.
Today we took the Animal Me Quiz to learn what jobs are best suited to our
We learned what jobs might suit our personality traits.
We have lots of budding teachers in P5/6! Have a read about us …