Tag Archives: Values

P3/4 RRS: Dignity, Equity and Equality

The RRS Committee have been continuing their work to ensure at Fenwick Primary and ECC, we are a Rights Respecting School.  At the beginning of the week, they sharing information about dignity, equity and equality.  We watched a video which helped explain the difference between equity and equality.  The committee set us a the challenge for this week to take photos to show how we ensure dignity, equity and equality.

P3/4 Kindness Mission

While discussion what makes Fenwick Primary School unique, we identified qualities we have are kindness, respect, honesty and lots more.  One pupil suggested it would be a good idea for each member of the class to demonstrate these qualities through acts of kindness.

This morning, everyone was given a secret mission to complete this week at school or at home.  Look out for examples of kindness.