P3/4 have been working on creating questions related to their Bug Club reading books.
After creating their questions, they asked someone from their group to answer their questions.
P3/4 have been working on creating questions related to their Bug Club reading books.
After creating their questions, they asked someone from their group to answer their questions.
We practised our spelling words outside with water and a paint brush on the playground.
Our Marvellous Multipliers have been learning about 24 hour time and created these 24 hour clocks. They drew hands on their analogue clocks and then had to write the time in 12 hour and 24 hour digital formats.
Our Super Subtractors have been learning about minutes past and minutes to and created these fantastic flip clocks to help them.
P3/4 were thoroughly enjoying a French “Les Corps” – My Body Beetle Drive game this afternoon! The whoops of delight when a 6 was rolled could be heard down the corridor.
We have started our topic, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and yesterday we explored the history of chocolate. In groups, we had to order a timeline of the history of chocolate.
We predicted different materials that would be conductors and insulators and conducted an experiment to find out if our predictions were correct.
P3/4 have been learning about circuits and created their own simple circuit to light the bulb up.
P3/4 have been playing games to consolidate their vocabulary of animals in French. Lots of fun and laughter was had playing “Who am I?”