We predicted different materials that would be conductors and insulators and conducted an experiment to find out if our predictions were correct.
We predicted different materials that would be conductors and insulators and conducted an experiment to find out if our predictions were correct.
P3/4 have been learning about circuits and created their own simple circuit to light the bulb up.
P3/4 have been playing games to consolidate their vocabulary of animals in French. Lots of fun and laughter was had playing “Who am I?”
We were kindly donated the Scottish story, Neeps and Tatties by Scottish charity Nil By Mouth. P3/4 thoroughly enjoyed listening to the story and discussing the important messages given throughout the story about discrimination, acceptance, courage and friendship.
They created their own Neep or Tattie character. Mrs Conetta thinks they are braw!
Thanks to the RRS and Maths & Numeracy committees for organising a fantastic number day. P3/4 loved creating a maze for the BeeBots and working as a team problem solving.