Primary 3/4 had to design a new chocolate factory for Willy Wonka. They had to think about ways to make it sustainable and good for the environment. They then used pic collage to create a poster for their factory design and then shared it with the class.
Tag Archives: Article 29
P3/4 ICT: Excel
On Wednesday, we began learning about spreadsheets and in particular, how to use Excel. We learnt about cells and how they were named, we formatted text and also saved our work within our own folders.
P3/4 Interviews
As we finish Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the class were asked to work in pairs to create a set of interview questions they would ask one of the children after leaving Willy Wonka’s factory. The learners then assumed the role of interviewee and interviewer to act out the interview. P3/4 showed their knowledge and understanding of the novel by giving detailed answers. Mrs Conetta was blown away with the questioning and answering…future TV interviewers in the making!
Each pair were responsible for assessing another pairing and provide constructive feedback using the success criteria.
P3/4 Literacy
We have been learning to use apostrophes in contractions eg they will becomes they’ll.
Each pupil made folding contraction, where they could hide the 2 words and “contract” (fold) to make the contracted form.
P3/4 Oompa Loompas
We learnt about collage this afternoon and created collage Oompa Loompas as part of our Charlie and the Chocolate Factory topic.
P3/4 Les Corps Beetle Drive
P3/4 were thoroughly enjoying a French “Les Corps” – My Body Beetle Drive game this afternoon! The whoops of delight when a 6 was rolled could be heard down the corridor.
P3/4 Gymnastics
Today P3/4 learned about different forms of rolls and practised these, along with my their other stretches and skills that they have learned so far.
P3/4 Scratch
P3/4 loved being visited by Markandey who should us how to use the coding software scratch. Ask your child to show you what they learned.
P3/4 Renewable Energy.
Primary 3/4 kicked off their British Science Week by learning all about renewable energies. They had to work in pairs to create an information poster about what they had learnt.
P3/4 History of Chocolate
We have started our topic, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and yesterday we explored the history of chocolate. In groups, we had to order a timeline of the history of chocolate.