Tag Archives: Article 13

P4 Soccer Aid 2023

P4 pupils worked with Lynsey from Active Schools to create an obstacle course for the rest of the school and ECC to complete to support UNICEF Soccer Aid 2023.  This links to Article 31 where all children have the right to rest, relax and play however, sometimes barriers/obstacles like war and poverty can get in the way of accessing this right.

P3/4 Interviews

As we finish Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the class were asked to work in pairs to create a set of interview questions they would ask one of the children after leaving Willy Wonka’s factory.  The learners then assumed the role of interviewee and interviewer to act out the interview.  P3/4 showed their knowledge and understanding of the novel by giving detailed answers.  Mrs Conetta was blown away with the questioning and answering…future TV interviewers in the making!

Each pair were responsible for assessing another pairing and provide constructive feedback using the success criteria.