Primary 3/4 kicked off their British Science Week by learning all about renewable energies. They had to work in pairs to create an information poster about what they had learnt.
P3/4 Dog Safety
Primary 3/4 were visited by Dogs Trust last week. They were given advice on how to keep safe near dogs and impressed the visitor with how well they know how to look after their pets.
P3/4 Direct Speech (Speech Marks)
P3/4 used macaroni pasta to create speech marks. They had to work out where the direct speech was and add the speech marks and punctuation to the text.
P3/4 Gymnastics
Primary 3/4 have continued to develop their skills and techniques in gymnastics. Today they worked in pairs to create a routine of their own. They then showed it to the rest of the class who used peer assessment to give them feedback on their performance.
P3/4 World Book Day and Open Afternoon
Primary 3/4 enjoyed all the activities that were planned for World Book Day. They then showed off their knowledge of literacy during our open afternoon.
P3/4 History of Chocolate
We have started our topic, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and yesterday we explored the history of chocolate. In groups, we had to order a timeline of the history of chocolate.
P3/4 Gymnastics Jumps
This week we progressed to jumps and as you can see from our action shots they have definitely been working on their technique and stamina.
P3/4 Dunlop Cheese tasting
Primary 3/4 finished their Scottish inventors topic by tasting some of the famous Dunlop Cheese, invented by Barbara Gilmour.
P3/4 Outdoor Numeracy
P3/4 made the most of the beautiful weather today and took their numeracy outdoors. Ask your child how they would define a fraction.
P3/4 Gymnastics
P3/4 started their gymnastics block last week for PE. They learned about the 5 main shapes used and also enjoyed mirroring their partner.