P3/4 Maths Week Scotland

We have been using lots of different resources to practise place value.

We have:

  • built place value castles and challenged to write the value of our castle in digits and words.
  • used construction material to create structures with each colour being a different value. We then had to add 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 and/or 100.
  • used place value tubs to create numbers with peas and then write the number we created in digits and words.
  • used number cards to write the number and then add on 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 and/or 100.

P3/4 Rainforest Layers

After learning about the 4 layers of the rainforest the children in P3/4 used different construction materials to create their own rainforest layers.


emergent layer

 Forest floor

Forest floor

Canopy layer

 Emergent layer

 Understory Layer

 View of the rainforest from the forest floor.

Canopy layer


P3/4 Kindness Mission

While discussion what makes Fenwick Primary School unique, we identified qualities we have are kindness, respect, honesty and lots more.  One pupil suggested it would be a good idea for each member of the class to demonstrate these qualities through acts of kindness.

This morning, everyone was given a secret mission to complete this week at school or at home.  Look out for examples of kindness.

P3/4 Teamwork

Mrs Conetta set P3/4 a team challenge today.  They were only allow to balance a hula hoop on their fingers and lower it to the ground. The rules were no holding on and everyone’s fingers must be touching the hula hoop the whole time.

This activity showed the class the importance of teamwork and communication. We had some great discussion about how important it is for only 1 person to speak at a time and that we should listen carefully to others.  We had examples of great leadership too, when some individuals were given a countdown…3, 2, 1, lower.

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