P3/4 were visited by Cats Protection today. They participated in a workshop and learned all about cats and their descendants the African Wildcat.
Monthly Archives: March 2023
P3/4 Oompa Loompas
We learnt about collage this afternoon and created collage Oompa Loompas as part of our Charlie and the Chocolate Factory topic.
P3/4 Les Corps Beetle Drive
P3/4 were thoroughly enjoying a French “Les Corps” – My Body Beetle Drive game this afternoon! The whoops of delight when a 6 was rolled could be heard down the corridor.
P3/4 Week 27.3.23 No Homework
There are no homework tasks to be completed this week.
P3/4 Gymnastics
Today P3/4 learned about different forms of rolls and practised these, along with my their other stretches and skills that they have learned so far.
P3/4 Outdoor Play
Primary 3/4 enjoyed 10 minutes outside in the fresh air today. They played together and showed kindness and respect when deciding which games to play.
P3/4 Novo Technologies
We were visited by Mr Wynne from Novo Technologies who taught us all about the role of being a managing director in a telecommunications company and most importantly how to work as a TEAM.
P3/4 Red Nose Day
We learned all about the importance of laughter for both our physical and mental health. We told jokes and completed a laughter mindfulness exercise. It was so much fun. ❣️
P3/4 Vattenfall Renewable Energy
P3/4 were visited by Carol from Vattenfall who came and spoke to us about renewable energy and Green Jobs that were available.
P3/4 Visit from Lord Provest
We loved hearing all about the work and life of the Lord Provest today.