We have started our topic, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and yesterday we explored the history of chocolate. In groups, we had to order a timeline of the history of chocolate.
Monthly Archives: February 2023
P3/4 Gymnastics Jumps
This week we progressed to jumps and as you can see from our action shots they have definitely been working on their technique and stamina.
P3/4 Dunlop Cheese tasting
Primary 3/4 finished their Scottish inventors topic by tasting some of the famous Dunlop Cheese, invented by Barbara Gilmour.
P3/4 Outdoor Numeracy
P3/4 made the most of the beautiful weather today and took their numeracy outdoors. Ask your child how they would define a fraction.
P3/4 Gymnastics
P3/4 started their gymnastics block last week for PE. They learned about the 5 main shapes used and also enjoyed mirroring their partner.
P3/4 Conductors and Insulators
We predicted different materials that would be conductors and insulators and conducted an experiment to find out if our predictions were correct.
P3/4 P.E. Days
P.E. days are Monday and Friday for P3/4.
Pupils are encouraged to bring in a change of PE clothes (t-shirt, shorts/joggers/leggings and indoor gym shoes or trainers). These can be left in a bag on their coat peg or can go home.
Thank you.
P3/4 Homework
Please see the ‘Homework wb 20.2.23’ page for up-to-date information about homework following Mr Houston’s Head Teacher Update on the school app.
Homework for this week (20th February) is now available on the homework page.
P3/4 Circuits
P3/4 have been learning about circuits and created their own simple circuit to light the bulb up.
P3/4 French: Les Animaux
P3/4 have been playing games to consolidate their vocabulary of animals in French. Lots of fun and laughter was had playing “Who am I?”