
This morning the children were partitioning two and three digit numbers. The children used base ten resources to help them understand the value of the numbers.

For writing the children were describing the Big Bad Wolf. The children had  great describing words in their writing. The children also practiced spelling their common words.
They all worked super hard!

The boys made a great castle for the friendly dragon.





The children were learning to write descriptive sentences using the book “Zog”. The children worked together to come up with describing words before writing their sentences.


The children were learning how to partition two or three digit  numbers. They used base ten materials to help them partition each number.


Friendly Dragon


This morning the Friendly Dragon visited our class asking us to help build his castle. The children used descriptive bubbles to help describe what his castle might look like. The children then wrote about the dragon living in his castle using their describing words.

In the afternoon the children read the story of the Gingerbread man. They were then challenged to make a bridge to help the Gingerbread man cross the river. The children worked together in teams and used their problem solving skills.