We’ve been learning lots about subtraction and different strategies we can use. Then we went outside to practice writing some numbers with chalk.
We’ve been learning lots about subtraction and different strategies we can use. Then we went outside to practice writing some numbers with chalk.
We have been super busy in P2. The children have been working hard together to create bug hotels in the garden.
Today the children were learning g about the sport curling. We watched and learned about gold medalist Eve Muirhead to help us understand about the sport. P7 lead the P2 sports challenge related to curling which was lots of fun.
Finally, we walked along to the park to litter pick. We were sad to see lots of litter in the park but the children worked so hard cleaning it all up.
What a busy day P2 had! Strider came to visit and gave us our new badges. Children from the ECC came to talk to us about growing food and all the ways they recycle. Lastly, P2 had a STEM challenge to create a rocket using different materials as part of our topic about Space. It was a great day.
What a great day for World Book Day! We had a special visit from Captain Conker who came and read a story to us. We also had a book swap and time to read with our friends.
P2 had a book scavenger hunt and made top hats based on their favourite book. It was so much fun!
This morning in topic we began looking at other planets in the solar system. We had lots of fun activities including making a rocket out of Lego.
For PE we played team building games and had some races with different challenges.
Today we started our new topic on Space. Our focus today was learning about the Earth, sun and moon. We created a model to show the Earth orbiting around the sun. It was great fun!
- Today we learned our new phonemes. We made our words using play dough and used Elkonin boxes.
Today we made valentines day cards for our family, friends and teachers. After the children made different car ramps and race tracks during fun 31.
Today we were practicing putting things into alphabetical order. We did some examples on the board before we put some books in alphabetical order.
To help with our recount writing we created a story map based on “Monkey Puzzle”. We enjoyed listening to the story and describing the characters too.