Numeracy: Division
In Primary 2/3, we have been learning about division. We have learned the different vocabulary that is linked to division (equal groups, sharing between, dividing, divided by) and the symbol used to show division. The pupils have enjoyed some multi-sensory tasks to help them complete division calculations as well as starting to carry out written division calculations.
Science: Colourful Magic Trick
Today in P2/3 we used kitchen roll to carry out a colourful magic trick. In the first picture it looks as though the picture has only been drawn with black pen but when we added the kitchen roll to water the colour appears. Ask your children how they did it!
Brilliant work P2/3!
Technology: Scratch
Today P1/2/3 really enjoyed learning about Scratch from our visitor from JP Morgan. Our visitor taught us how to use different features in Scratch and showed us some programmable robots.
Fab work P1/2/3!
Link to Scratch Website
Numeracy: Length
This morning P2/3 were measuring the length of things outside using a trundle wheel. The children loved counting the clicks from the trundle wheel.
Great work P2/3!
East Ayrshire Council site