All posts by Miss STEVENSON

Monday 26th August

This morning we practiced pencil control and writing our first names – some of us wrote our Surname also. We tried to keep our writing small and make sure our names had a capital letter at the start.

In Numeracy we explored the Ten Trains and showed Miss Stevenson our counting skills as well as writing our answers down. 2, 3 and 5 are really tricky to write with our tiny hands.

This afternoon we had a choice of a few activities, including drawing and lego. Some of us played a counting game with Miss Stevenson.


P1 Day 2

This morning we were put in to groups and given our very first task board and had 4 jobs to complete. We all listened very well and tried to be very independent. Here are some of us doing a drawing job and playing in the messy area.

After break we went to P.E. and played some team games in the Gym Hall.

This afternoon we painted a self portrait and had a little play.

P1 First Day

The pupils had a blast during their first day at school. After we waved the adults goodbye we got to know each other and the classroom. We played outside and ate lunch with our buddies. We even had our first wet play at lunchtime. Mr Houston said our behaviour was great.

Miss Stevenson read us a story called –

The story spoke about all the emotions we might go through on leaving our adults to come to school. Ask us about the Kissing Hand and we will show you what to do.

All pupils were great all day and already showing the school values of – Ambition, Honesty, Kindness and Respect.

Watch out for Blog Posts regularly – pupils faces will be shown once all permissions are completed.

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