All posts by Miss STEVENSON

Wednesday Update

That is most photographic permission in now so as of tomorrow the blog will now have photographs of all our cute faces.

We have been busy today.  We have been completing jobs on the S sound, lots of number work and in the afternoon we took advantage of the hot day and played in the garden with P2.

Today Miss Stevenson also introduced us to a new way of doing some jobs (pupil choice, pupil lead learning and above all differentiation of abilities), where we chose how “tricky” we wanted the job to be by choosing a green star job, a yellow star job or a shooting star job.

Clever P1

Over the last 2 days we have been doing lots of Numeracy work surrounding numbers. Some of the boys and girls today were even doing addition calculations.

We were practising reading numbers and building towers of the corresponding amount. Miss Stevenson taught some of us a game called Bang! We loved when she had to give away all her cards.

Tuesday 27th August

Today in class we completed lots of rhyming jobs – we were all very good.

We also learnt all about what the House Point Reward System in school is. Please see the Class Info Tab for your child’s house colour.

Please note that each Tuesday from 11.45am Mrs McKillop will be the class teacher. To allow for Miss Stevenson’s planning time.