P1 Day 2

This morning we were put in to groups and given our very first task board and had 4 jobs to complete. We all listened very well and tried to be very independent. Here are some of us doing a drawing job and playing in the messy area.

After break we went to P.E. and played some team games in the Gym Hall.

This afternoon we painted a self portrait and had a little play.

E-Portfolio tag: Expressive arts

One thought on “P1 Day 2”

  1. Thank you Miss Stevenson for these daily observations and updates, these have been great conversation starters in our house after school, rather than the usual “how was School today?”, – Fine.
    J has enjoyed her first week, the transition has been such a positive experience, so thank you very much to all the teachers and support staff for a fantastic first week at Fenwick Primary 💛🖤

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