Today we spoke about the Pant Rule – all about keeping private parts private!
Have a look at the link below and the video to see exactly what was covered.
Today we spoke about the Pant Rule – all about keeping private parts private!
Have a look at the link below and the video to see exactly what was covered.
Today we created some beautiful tulip pictures and some messy chocolate paintings.
Please note that free from chocolate was used for those with allergies/intolerances.
Please note if your child wishes to take part in the competition they should have a prepared joke ready for Tuesday afternoon – the Pupil Council will vote for their favourite 3 jokes and those 3 will go forward to the competition on Thursdat afternoon.
More information on Voicebox can be found here –
Today we wrote about all things red. We also took part in a Live Online Dino chat from National Museums Scotland.
Dear parents,
This term I will be encouraging the children to start writing sentences and short pieces of writing on their own. For some children they will now be working on writing several independent sentences.
In the following weeks P1/2 will be learning about halves and quarters, including half and a quarter of a number.
Topic / Interdisciplinary learning
In recent weeks we have been learning about the symbols of Scotland, we are now moving on to a science topic all about The Forces.
Health and Wellbeing
We will be learning about healthy foods , where some of food comes from and trying to make a few simple recipes too!
Lots to look forward to!
Please note that P1/2 homework will resume after the February break, in line with the school policy.
Some special guests toured the village today, inviting some VIPs to our performance of The Nativity on Monday the 18th. We visited WANT, The King’s Arms, Hall House, The Fenwick Cafe and The Pharmacy to thank them for their contributions to the Christmas Fayre.