P1 created a bouquet of flowers today to practise all the colours we have been learning with Camembear. We learnt pink – rose and purple – violet in French today.
P1 Symmetry
We were using counters and gems to create our own symmetrical patterns on butterflies today. We also used mirrors to see the other half of the drawing and then had to draw the farm animal to make their faces symmetrical.
P1 Writing
P1 have been writing about what they would like to be when they are older.
Primary 1 Fun
We have set our classroom out to be a little mini Fenwick. We have Want Hairdressers, The Fenwick Hotel, D&D Decorators and McFadzean’s Garage.
P1 French
We learnt the colours – vert, orange and jaune today with Camembear. We worked with others to collaborate and draw things that are vert, orange and jaune and then presented our work to the class.
P1 Exploring Symmetry
We explored symmetry using Lego and our construction area. We had lots of fun being creative!
P1 Bug Club
Please note that not all pupils’ Bug Club will be updated this week or for the next few weeks. This is due to the learning needed to take place in class before the next set of books. I will re-issue the books already given and these should be practiced at home on a regular basis.
If a new book is given you will see this book stated on the Homework Tab.
P1 Scottish Poem/Song
Disclaimer: This is a private Youtube listing therefore we have no control over any ads which may appear. Children should be supervised when opening/playing this link.
P1 Burn’s Day
We painted some Scottish Thistles.
We enjoyed some Irn Bru and shortbread whilst we designed some tartan.
“It’s the best day in Primary 1 ever”.
P1 French
Camembear came to visit P1 again today and taught us the French words for red, blue and white. P1 had to go and search the classroom to find rouge, bleu and blanc objects.