Grange Academy

Becoming the people we are capable of being…

September 15, 2021

S1 Parents and Carers – Introduction to Skills Development Scotland

At Grange Academy we work closely with Rebecca, Scott and Kirstin, our Skills Development Scotland Careers Advisers, to support pupils in planning for the future.

Rebecca, Scott and Kirstin participate in group sessions (through PSE) and are also available for one to one consultations.

The national team at Skills Development Scotland are offering an Introduction to SDS Webinar for Parents and Carers of S1 Pupils.  This virtual session will give an overview of the work of Skills Development Scotland and the support the school based Careers Advisers can provide.

This will take place on Wednesday 29th September from 6:30pm – 7:15pm.

For further information, and to register, please click here.

September 9, 2021

Important Update from NHS Ayrshire and Arran – LFD Testing

Please see below an important update from NHS Ayrshire and Arran regarding LFD Testing.  Pupils who wish to take part in the LFD Testing Programme can collect test kits from the school office (on completion of the appropriate consent form).  Please contact the school office for more information.

2021.08.31 NHS AA Schools Letter LFT (please click here to open in a new tab)

Click to access 2021.08.31-NHS-AA-Schools-Letter-LFT.pdf

September 2, 2021

NHS Flu Immunisation Programme

NHS staff will be in school at the end of September to offer flu immunisations to all pupils (S1 – S6).  This process involves a nasal spray.

Guidance staff will be taking pupils through the information pack and video during PSE over the course of the next week.

Pupils can only receive the immunisation if a consent form has been completed by a parent/carer.

The consent forms have now arrived in school and will be issued during PSE lessons over the course of the next week.  S1 Pupils will receive their consent forms tomorrow period 5.

If you wish your child to receive this immunisation they should return their completed and signed consent form to Mrs Crawford.  Mrs Crawford will be available in the street each morning before Period 1, at morning interval and at lunch.

Kind regards

Grange Academy

August 27, 2021

School Photographs (Individual)

Dear Parent/Carer,

School Photographs (Individual) will take place next week on Tuesday 31st August and Wednesday 1st September as follows:

Tuesday:  S4, S5 and S3
Wednesday:  S1, S6 and S2

Pupils should attend class as normal and will be released at the appropriate time by their class teacher.

Tuesday 31st August

S4 during Periods 1 and 2
S5 during Periods 3 and 4
S3 during Periods 5 and 6

Wednesday 1st September

S1 during Periods 1 and 2
S6 during Period 3
S2 during Periods 4 and 5

Period 6 and 7 will be used to capture any absentees etc

COVID measures will be in place for the safety of staff and pupils.   Can you please ensure the following:

  • As usual, pupils should wear their full school uniform.
  • Photographs will be taken in the Assembly Hall.
  • Pupils should bring their jackets and bags with them to the hall.
  • Please note that family photos will take place at a later date.

Pupils will receive a sample photograph and order form from the Tempest Photographer.  Parents and Carers who wish to order a school photograph should complete the order form and return to the school office as soon as possible.

Kind regards

Grange Academy

August 18, 2021

August Letter from Mr Johnston

Dear Pupils, Parents and Carers,

We hope you have had an enjoyable and restful holiday and look forward to welcoming all pupils back to school full time at 8:45am tomorrow.

Thankfully we appear to be in a healthier situation than we were this time last year and I think it’s important to start the year in a ‘positive’ frame of mind, (perhaps a poor choice of words!).  We are keen to get the year off to a good start tomorrow and to get down to work right away.  Safety is however our top priority and it’s important to emphasise the need for ongoing precautions and good practice to minimise the risk of spreading the COVID virus.  The following mitigations remain in place in all schools:

  • Face coverings: All young people and staff will be expected to wear a face covering in class and around the school unless medically exempt from doing so;
  • Asymptomatic Testing – Lateral Flow Testing: All young people and staff are encouraged to self-test twice a week, (kits available from school office);
  • Hand hygiene and social distancing: We should all wash our hands or use hand sanitiser regularly throughout the day. Despite the relaxation of the 2m distancing between pupils, we ask that pupils continue to maintain distance between themselves where possible, and always around staff, to whom the distancing still applies;
  • Use of outdoor space: If the weather is dry we will be asking young people to go outside when not in class; additionally, during class times classrooms will continue to be well ventilated;

As mentioned prior to the summer break, it would be great to see all young people in school uniform. Contrary to what some pupils tell their parents, (“…but nobody else is wearing it!”), the majority of pupils do make a good effort with uniform and a good number of them even wear a school blazer when the weather permits. Not only does it help with campus security but uniform really sets the right tone in a school.

I know it can be a battle of wills at times but a high standard of uniform is really worth the effort and I would certainly appreciate your support in making this happen.

Uniform Basics:

  • School tie;
  • White/black shirt;
  • Black trousers/skirt (No jeans or leggings please and skirts should be appropriate for school);
  • Black jumper/cardigan (No hoodies or baseball caps etc); and if possible. . .
  • A blazer would be wonderful. This really does bring the standard of uniform to a different level
  • No hats or hoods are permitted in the school building.

We are really looking forward to welcoming pupils back to school tomorrow!

Robert Johnston
Head Teacher

Returning to School Education (please click here to open in a new tab)

Click to access Returning-to-School-Education.pdf

June 20, 2021

THANK YOU to our Captains and Prefects of 2020/21

Grange Academy says a big thank you to our 2020-21 Student Leadership Team of Captains and Prefects. During the most challenging of years, their optimism, goodwill, ingenuity and resilience shone through, and we are really proud of them!
Amongst their achievements are
  • a hilarious virtual Children in Need
  • touching video messages to our community Care Homes at Christmas
  • Buddying (care and support) of younger pupils
  • research-backed study advice for peers
  • Prefect Teams to take forward developments in important  aspects of school life
We wish all our S6 Leavers from the Team good luck in their next exciting chapter!

June 4, 2021

New Timetable – 7th June 2021

Dear Parents/Carers and Pupils,

On Monday 7th June we will move to our 2021/22 Timetable.  Pupils will be issued with their new timetable during Period 1 and should report to the areas identified below for Period 1 on Monday.  Class registration groups (2B1 etc) will be displayed on the door and staff will be available to direct pupils to the correct area.

We will re-issue this information on Sunday evening in preparation for Monday.

Kind regards

Stephen Cowan
Depute Head Teacher

S1 (NEW S2)
New S2 should report to the English Department in the following rooms:

2B1 F090
2B2 F089
2D1 F088
2D2 F087
2G1 F084
2G2 F083
2H1 F082
2H2 F080

S2 (NEW S3)
New S3 should report to the Maths Department in the following rooms:

3B1 F052
3B2 F053
3D1 F055
3D2 FO56
3G1 F057
3G2 F060
3H1 F061
3H2 F062

S3 (NEW S4)
New S4 should report to the Social Subjects or Technical Department in the following rooms:

4B1 G164
4B2 G166
4D1 G167
4D2 G169
4G1 G170
4G2 G171
4H1 G174 (TECH)
4H2 G175 (TECH)

S4 (NEW S5)
New S5 should report to the English, Maths or Modern Languages Department in the following rooms:

5B1 F078 (ENGLISH)
5B2 F077 (ENGLISH)
5D1 F063 (MATHS)
5D2 F064 (MATHS)
5G1 G147 (LANGS)
5G2 G148 (LANGS)
5H1 G159 (LANGS)
5H2 G158 (LANGS)

S5 (NEW S6)
New S6 should report to the Science or Business Education Department in the following rooms:

6B1 S021 (Sci)
6B2 S023 (Sci)
6D1 S024 (Sci)
6D2 S026 (Sci)
6G1 S027 (Sci)
6G2 S028 (Sci)
6H1 S016 (Business)
6H2 S017 (Business)

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