Grange Academy

Becoming the people we are capable of being…


Chemistry is the study of everything around us! Chemists are interested in anything that we can see, feel, smell, taste and interact with. It is the science of substances! In Chemistry we learn about the materials that make up the universe and investigate their properties. We find out how chemical reactions can be used to make new substances and how chemicals are important for life – from the fuels that power our modern lifestyles to the chemistry inside our bodies that keep us alive. Even the computer you are using to read this relies on the special properties of the chemicals in the components inside! Chemistry at Grange Academy takes us on a journey from the inside of an atom to the materials that build our world.

Click on the links below to explore our Grange Academy Chemistry Page!

Grange Academy offers Chemistry at two SQA levels:

National 5

The National 5 course is available to anyone who has shown interest and ability in science throughout S3 and S4. The Higher course is open to pupils who have passed the National 5 Chemistry course or, in some cases, those who have demonstrated a strong aptitude for other sciences at National 5 or Higher level.

Where can I go with Chemistry?

There are countless careers in which a knowledge of chemistry is an advantage. Doctors and dentists; engineers and environmental health officers; chefs and sports scientists; oilfield workers and optometrists. A qualification in chemistry provides direct and transferable skills which are highly valued by all employers and academic institutions. A Higher certificate in chemistry is accepted as a scientific qualification by all Universities and is considered essential for courses in medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine. Careers and qualifications directly related to the material within the course include:

  • Medicine*
  • Dentistry*
  • Veterinary medicine*
  • Forensic science*
  • Pharmacology*
  • Chemical engineering*
  • Drug discovery*
  • Engineering
  • Geology
  • Oilfield careers
  • Nuclear Energy
  • Brewing & Distilling
  • Food science
  • Dietician
  • Radiography
  • Paramedic
  • Textiles
  • Microbiology
  • Teaching
  • Paeleontology
  • Industrial Consultant
  • Science Communication
  • Oceanography
  • Smart Materials
  • Environmental Careers
  • Many, many others!

*Higher chemistry is considered essential

The Royal Society of Chemistry has much more information about the opportunities available to chemistry students.

Chemistry also trains pupils in many transferable skills which are of value to all employers. These include:

  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Technical Literacy

Even for those not wishing to pursue a scientific career, a strong background in chemistry empowers individuals to make decisions in an increasingly technological world. From understanding the foods we eat, the medicines we are prescribed, the air we breathe and the fuels that keep our lights on.

Course Information


The Higher Environmental Science course is divided into four topics:

  • Nature’s Chemistry
  • Chemistry in Society
  • Chemical Changes and Structure
  • Researching Chemistry

Assessment has three components:

  • Examination (77%)
  • Candidates are asked to apply their knowledge of Chemistry in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar situations.

  • Assignment (23%)
  • Candidates research and report on a topic which allows them to demonstrate knowledge & understanding, practical skills and problem solving at a level appropriate to Higher Chemistry.

    There is also opportunity for learning in a variety of contexts. For example, our higher chemists use the home economics department to explore the chemistry of cooking and will enjoy applying their knowledge to make soap.

National 5

The National 5 Chemistry course is divided into three topics:

  • Chemical Changes and Structure (atomic structure, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, acids and alkalis)
  • Nature’s Chemistry (hydrocarbons from crude oil, alcohols, carboxylic acids and fuels)
  • Chemistry in Society (metals, fertilisers, plastics and nuclear radiation)

Assessment has two components:

  • Examination (80%)

Candidates are examined on their knowledge and understanding of Chemistry in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts. A range of problem solving and data-handling skills are also tested.

  • Assignment (20%)

Candidates research and report on a topic which allows them to demonstrate knowledge & understanding, practical aptitude and problem solving at a level appropriate to National 5 Chemistry.


Higher Homework

BBC Bitesize Higher
Very useful revision materials and exercises for Higher Chemistry.
BBC Bitesize National 5
Very useful revision materials and exercises for National 5 Chemistry
SQA Higher Chemistry
Course information including all mandatory learning outcomes and specimen exam papers.
Understanding Standards – Higher Chemistry
Features real examples of assignments and pupils’ answers to examination questions with marker feedback.
SQA National 5 Chemistry
Course information including all mandatory learning outcomes and past-papers.
Understanding Standards – National 5 Chemistry
Features real examples of assignments and pupils’ answers to examination questions with marker feedback.



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