Grange Academy

Becoming the people we are capable of being…

P7 Transition Update

Mrs Crawford and Mrs Cardow enjoyed meeting all the P7 pupils across the Grange Learning Community virtually yesterday morning. As our P7 Transition programme continues, this was the first of our weekly virtual meetings.

Mrs Crawford explained to all the P7s about how the S1 classes are made up and a form will be added to the Microsoft Team later this week which will allow the pupils, in conjunction with their parents/carers, to let us know of any siblings they have currently in Grange and also of friendships they would like us to be aware of. Whilst we will always try our best to match up friends we cannot guarantee that this will always be possible.

We look forward to meeting with our P7s next week and will send a message via our School App when the sibling/friendship form has been added to the team.

As the majority of our school communication occurs via the School App we encourage our P7 Parents and Carers to download the school app (search for School App for Parents on the AppStore/GooglePlay) so that they can keep up to date with all things Grange.  Please also share amongst fellow P7 Parents/Carers in case they have not seen this message and are unaware of the School App.

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