Grange Academy

Becoming the people we are capable of being…

Environmental Science


Environmental Science is the study of the Earth’s natural environment and our place within it. It is an interdisciplinary subject which incorporates chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics, geography, politics and economics.

Click on the links below to explore our Grange Academy Environmental Science Page!

  • Environmental Science at Grange Academy
  • Why Environmental Science?
  • Course Information
  • Useful Links
  • Environmental Science Gallery

  • Grange Academy offers Environmental Science at two SQA levels:

    National 5

    The National 5 course is available to anyone who has shown interest and ability in science throughout S3 and S4. The Higher course is open to pupils who have passed the National 5 Environmental Science course or who have otherwise demonstrated aptitude for the sciences at National 5 or Higher level.

    Where can I go with Environmental Science?

    wind tunnel

    Environmental Science Pupils Feeling the Power of the Wind

    With more and more political emphasis on the environment and the huge growth in the Scottish renewable energy industry – not to mention global interest in food security, sustainable development and conservation – an education in Environmental Science will add a string to anyone’s bow as we move through the 21st century! A Higher qualification in Environmental Science is accepted as a scientific qualification by most Universities for all subjects except medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine. Careers and qualifications directly related to the material within the course include:

    • Meteorology
    • Renewable Energy
    • Forensic Science
    • Environmental Management
    • Environmental and Industrial Law
    • Industrial Consultant
    • Botanist
    • Science Teaching and Science Communication
    • Oceanography
    • Organic Farming
    • Water Quality Inspector

    Environmental Science also trains pupils in many transferable skills which are of value to all employers. These include:

    • Problem Solving
    • Critical Thinking
    • Teamwork
    • Communication
    • Technical Literacy

    Even for those who have no interest in pursuing a scientific career, an education in environmental science has many benefits. A good understanding of the environment and our place within it empowers citizens to make informed day-to-day choices when it comes to things which affect us and future generations: pollution, climate change, food security and sustainable energy.

    Course Information


    The Higher Environmental Science course is divided into three topics:

    • The Living Environment
    • Earth’s Resources
    • Sustainability

    Assessment has three components:

    • Examination (120 marks)

    Paper 1 (20 marks)
    Candidates are asked to apply their knowledge of Environmental Science to a new situation, presented as a case study.

    Paper 2 (100 marks)
    Candidates’ knowledge, understanding and problem solving skills are tested using a series of context-based questions. Twenty marks are available for two extended-response questions worth ten marks each.

    • Assignment (20 marks)

    Candidates research and report on a topic which allows them to demonstrate knowledge & understanding, practical skills and problem solving at a level appropriate to Higher Environmental Science.

    There is also plenty of opportunity for outdoor learning and field trips. Our Higher Environmental Science pupils make regular use of the school garden, where they investigate animal and plant life and how it relies on the non-living parts of the environment such as soil, water, air and rock. In 2017, the Higher pupils visited the nuclear power plant at Hunterston to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy.

    National 5

    The National 5 Environmental Science course is divided into three topics:

    • The Living Environment
    • Earth’s Resources
    • Sustainability

    Assessment has two components:

    • Examination (100 marks)

    Candidates are examined on their knowledge and understanding of Environmental Science in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts. A range of problem solving and data-handling skills are also tested. The question paper includes a case study in which candidates are asked a series of linked questions totalling 20 marks and two extended-response questions totalling 14 marks.

    • Assignment (20 marks)

    Candidates research and report on a topic which allows them to demonstrate knowledge & understanding, practical aptitude and problem solving at a level appropriate to National 5 Environmental Science.

    Visiting Whitelees Wind Farm

    Our National 5 Environmental Science pupils enjoy opportunities for outdoor learning. The school garden is regularly used as a teaching tool and pupils explore the relationships between the living things and the non-living environment. In 2017, our National 5 Environmental Scientists travelled to Whitelees Wind Farm to learn about the role of renewable energy in Scotland. In the classroom, pupils carry out practical work on energy generation, analysing environmental samples, fermentation and many other topics.

    SQA Higher Environmental Science
    Course information including all mandatory learning outcomes and specimen exam papers.
    Understanding Standards – Higher Environmental Science
    Features real examples of assignments and pupils’ answers to examination questions with marker feedback.
    SQA National 5 Environmental Science
    Course information including all mandatory learning outcomes and past-papers.
    Understanding Standards – National 5 Environmental Science
    Features real examples of assignments and pupils’ answers to examination questions with marker feedback.

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