10th Karen’s Science Snowman Activity

How to Make an Exploding Snowman in a Bag
•       A sandwich bag
•       Permanent markers
•       Baking soda
•       Vinegar
•       Paper towel or tissue paper
1. Give the sandwich bag to your kid to decorate with permanent markers. This is a good opportunity to teach your kid how to draw a snowman’s face. Do be careful that your kid doesn’t get permanent marker on the furniture, the floor, of himself.

  1. Wrap 3 teaspoons of baking soda inside a piece of paper towel or tissue.

  2. Place the baking soda packet inside the plastic bag.

You might want to do the next steps OUTSIDE!!!!

  1. Pour about 1-2 cups of white vinegar into the sandwich bag and seal the bag quickly. It should swell up quickly.

  2. Stand back and watch it explode!

Why Did the Snowman Explode?
As baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, mixes with vinegar, carbon dioxide is created. The bag starts to fill with carbon dioxide (and that’s why you see the bag start to swell up) until the pressure is too much and … BOOM!

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