Sarah’s Nurture Check In

Hello everyone, as you all know i am Nurture Champion at the ECC and it is so important that we look after ourselves, our children and any one we know during this tough time.

Emotion Check

(please click on the link that says “emotion check”to access document)

So today i am uploading an emotion check in, this is a perfect way to discuss how you and your children are feeling and check in with us. If there is anything we can do to help just email away and if you need a call, catch up or anything this can be arranged 🙂

Take care  and miss you all – Sarah x

24 thoughts on “Sarah’s Nurture Check In”

  1. Brayden says he feels good today sarah .we are getting their trying to get him to sit and watch we have all being doing our zumba

    1. Glad to hear it Brayden! Zumba is a great way of getting rid of some energy when you’re in the house all day, have lots of fun!! Is mum joining in too? 😉 Take care. X

  2. Hi today, I’m feeling very happy because I love staying with my family, but I miss nursery because you’re the best people in the whole wide world. I’m really enjoying everything that showing us.
    Alice x

    1. That’s what we like to hear Alice! We’re miss your gorgeous, cheery wee face too!! Hope you’re doing lots of fun things at home.
      Sarah x

  3. Bit of a newbie to joining a blog lol. Joe is happy and excited because he’s been making Cress hedgehogs with Mummy. Hope everyone is well x

    1. You & me both, Aimee! We’ll get the hang of it together!!
      No wonder you’re excited Joe, Cress hedgehogs sound awesome. Please send us lots of pics as they grow!
      Sarah x

  4. Hi
    Alfie says hes feeling good today because hes at home with mummy but hes a little sad because hes missing Sarah..
    Take care and stay safe

    Love Alfie xx

    1. Hi Alfie!! Glad you’re feeling good today, hope you’re having a great time at home. Missing you too gorgeous boy, hope the blog is helping 🙂 Lots of love!
      Sarah xx

  5. Theo is feeling happy and is working really hard on today’s Lego challenge. He’s been keeping to a routine and seems to be coping well. Hope you’re well, we’re both missing you.

    Love L & T

    1. He is a superstar. I bet he’s making some masterpieces! Glad to hear he’s doing well. Missing you both, look after yourselves & we’ll hopefully see you soon! X

  6. Orlaith is feeling sad, her dad is working from home & can’t play!!
    A bit of an adjustment but she’s loving the stories on the blog that’s making her happy & she’s asking about all the teachers 😀

    1. Well done Orlaith!! Aware of her emotions & whats causing them, what a wee superstar. And it’s ok to feel a bit sad sometimes 🙂 Glad the blog is helping! Make sure to let us know any story requests she’d like! 🙂 x

    1. That’s what we like to hear Fraser! And “cos he is” – who could argue with that!! 🙂 Hope you’re having fun at home Fraser! X

  7. Thank you Sarah! Working full time with a 3 year old is challenging but these little snippets really help get through the day!

    Neve feels ‘happy’….we’re still working on the reasons!

    1. It’s all a bit alien isn’t it Fiona. Important we just take our emotions as they come! I’m glad the blog is helping break the days up a bit. Must say I’m finding my work is just nowhere near as fun without the 3 year olds! Lol!

      Glad you’re feeling happy Neve, just ‘cos!! 🙂 Hope you’re having fun! X

  8. Lewis says he is feeling sleepy because he has had a busy day. He is in the bath having been playing outside in the garden and for a little walk with mummy and his sisters!

    1. No wonder you’re feeling sleepy Lewis, what a busy day! Sounds lots of fun, hope you and your sisters are having a nice time 🙂 x

  9. Erhi feels sad because she misses Sarah and manny and papa and granny and everybody. But she feel bit happy because Chidi is here

    1. Aw well give Miss Erhi a great big squeeze from me & tell her I’m missing her too!! It’s ok to feel sad when everything’s so unusual. But I bet Chidi’s gorgeous little face is enough to cheer anybody up! Take care, Sarah xx

  10. Johnny says he is happy and he loves The Jungle Book. He went a walk down the woods today, practicing his numbers by throwing stones in the water. 😁

    1. I’m glad Johnny! So was I after singing the Bare Necessities on repeat!!! 🙂 Sounds like a lovely day, hope you’re having lots of fun! Sarah x

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