18th Lorraine’s Treasure Basket Activity

Today I set up a wee treasure basket idea, such a simple wee activity but loads of benefits for your wee ones. Treasure baskets help personal, social and emotional development.
Fill your basket or tray with everyday items – metal/ wooden spoons, rolling pins, feathers, sponges, ribbon etc this gives your child an opportunity to explore, experiment and make choices at their own pace.
Benefits: helps to develop your wee ones independence, deepens concentration and develops their problem solving skills while offering sensory and fine/ gross motor skills.
Wee tips to help: the focus is all about your child , they will decide what to do and what they do with it , try and have a clear space in a quiet environment, observe your child playing, thinking what they are going to do , you could add a simple colander – offering lots of open ended play, your wee one might put it on their heads, roll it, spin it, put things in it, children learn to “ think outside the box” and explore in a world of “ what if….”
have lots of fun. Lorraine ♥️

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