18th Home Learning Plans

Hello all ECC parents, Here is the last day of home learning plans of 2021!! (hopefully!) We hope you have all had a blast – it has been a pleasure! You have all did amazing and i am so so proud of you all!

Please remember tomorrow is a consolidation day/ Fun Friday Family Challenge which is create your own Spa Day! Cant wait to see the pictures.

I will also repost the return communication on the blog for you all and email out again to all parents.

Here is my parent questionnaire feedback for Home Learning if you could fill out i would be incredibly grateful. You will then find the learning plans for Thursday 18th underneath the link below.

18th (click on words to access PDF daily plans)

Here you will find our literacy plans: (click on words to access PDF for literacy activities. Also click on the sway for listening guess the sounds videos)

Listen and Do 1 – Two Word Level

Listen and Do 2 – Two Word Level

Listen and Do 3 – Two Word Level



Go to this Sway

Listen and Do 1 – Three Word Level

Listen and Do 2 – Three Word Level

Listen and Do 3 – Three Word Level

Numeracy activities:

samples for dots blog (click on words to access PDF)

Science and art activities:

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