11th Valentines Home Learning Plans

Hello all ECC parents,

Here is the home learning plans for Thursday 11th February and today is all about Valentines day coming up on the 14th February.

11th(click on words to access PDF plans)

Below is our literacy activities: (Click words below to access PDF literacy activities)

14th literacy 2

14th literacy 3

14th literacy

14th pencil control

Valentine’s Day I spy and Count to 20 Answers

Valentine’s Day I spy and Count to 20 Checklist

Valentine’s Day I spy and Count to 20

Below is our numeracy activities: (click words to access all Numeracy PDF)

14th numeracy 2

14th numeracy 3

14th numeracy

Below is our science and art activities:

14th science 2(click words to access our valentines slime instructions)

14th valentines art

14th valentines cookies

Activity Sheet (click words to access valentines science)

Prompt Card Editable

Prompt Card


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