In light of everything that is going on, with us being at home, more anxious about things and being kept indoors more often. During this time i have found that a thing called mindfulness can help. Therefore i thought i would share some online mindfulness videos for children that will hopefully help create calmness, quiet, content and enhance listening and attention skills.
Mindfulness videos are different from the daily yoga/dance video as those types of videos are longer and more active (i will still upload these each day) whereas the videos i will upload about mindfulness will be again from Cosmic Kids but will be short bursts of 5 mins or so and this is ideal for children to just switch off, wind down and relax. This is great i have found for first thing in the morning, middle of the day when children can become agitated and end of the day before bed.
I will upload an introductory video explaining what it is and how to do it. And will upload the first proper mindfulness video tomorrow.