Here at Dunlop Primary School, we pride ourselves on being a Silver Rights Respecting School where children’s rights are learned, understood and lived.

Being a Rights Respecting School means we embed these values in daily school life and give everyone the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens. We are embedding the values of the UNRCC by …

  • Our RRS steering group are leading us in our gold award journey. This group are ran by P4-7 pupils who meet monthly to organise events such as Children in Need, the Reverse Advent Calendar, Inclusion week and Anti-bullying week. They also create posters and assemblies to be used to highlight children’s rights.
  • We are developing our Knowledge and understanding of UNCRC through our ‘Right of the Week’. Each week an article of the UNRCC is studied in classrooms.
  • We are creating rights-respecting classrooms through our pupil charters, ensuring we have safe learning spaces.
  • Pupils are actively participating in decision-making throughout the school in a variety of steering groups such as health ambassadors, sports leaders, pupil council, numeracy steering group, RRS, outdoor ambassadors etc.