Tag Archives: STEAM


Last week P7 had a week of STEAM based learning. We were learning to use Excel in maths to create pie charts of a social media survey conducted between p5-7. For science we were learning how to stop the spread of infectious diseases and then had to create a model hand washing device from a range of junk material. They only had a limited number of credits so had to be creative with resources and measure/calculate how much of each item they could use. P7 then had the choice to create a game, video clip, poster or drama sketch to then educate others.
The week ended on a high with a visit from the Science Centre which had a Renewable Energy focus.

P2B STEAM challenge

As part of our STEAM week, P2B had a great time planning, designing and constructing their own Scottish Castle in teams using Lego and blocks. They had to communicate effectively to ensure their castles were finished in the given time.
They used their engineering, art and design, and technology skills to complete this task.

Primary 6 Wind Power

As part of our climate change topic primary 6 have been learning about different types of renewable energy. We have been completing different STEAM challenges and our last one was to build a simple wind turbine. The children had to work in groups and were given different resources, depending on the country they represented.



As you can see from the videos below, some of the turbines were more successful than others.