Tag Archives: Primary 7 2020/21

P7 – John Muir Award

This week P7 took a trip down to the Millennium Woods to collect a wide variety of leaves. Once we returned to school we used an identification key to categorise our leaves. We then used EXCEL to create graphs displaying the number of each type.

Lastly, we created autumn land art inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. Take a look at some of our creations and a new friend the P7s found and named Dobbie.

P7 – Junior Youth Conference 2020

Today, primary 7 took part in East Ayrshire’s Annual Youth Conference which was delivered live through Teams. This conference included three workshops: Celebrating Diversity, Your Council Your Voice and Lockdown Mental Health. P7 had excellent contributions to the conference. As part of the final workshop pupils had to create a positive slogan that will spread happiness or motivate someone. They only had 20 minutes to complete the challenge. Take a look at some of our creations.

Primary 7 – Chocolate Apprentice Style Challenge

Primary 7 were assigned a team challenge of creating their own chocolate bar. After coming up with the ingredients, they then had to create the name of their bar and design a wrapper which would appeal to consumers. Finally they had to create their persuasive pitch to convince consumers (primary 5 and 6) to choose their product. This pitch was recorded and then shown to the classes via Teams.

The most votes went to the 50/50 bar.

Well done to all P7  – you all blew me away with your creative ideas and team work.