P4 were learning all about onomatopoeia today and then applied this knowledge to create descriptive writing all about Fireworks. They should be really proud of their hard work and wonderful descriptive writing.
Tag Archives: primary 4 21/22
P4 & Marty the Robot
Marty visited p4 for the first time today. The children had fun using the iPads to give instructions to make Marty move in various ways.
P4 – STEM Challenge
P4 worked incredibly hard this afternoon to create a model of the Sydney Harbour Bridge using K’Nex. They should all be very proud of how well they worked together during this challenge. Well done p4!
P4 – Maths Week Scotland
To start the week, p4 made the most of the outdoors and created arrays for their partners to try and come up with as many multiplication calculations as they could. They then peer assessed to see if they managed to find them all.
P4 – Number Talks
In Number Talks this week, p4 have been applying their knowledge of ‘adding up in chunks’ and ‘friendly numbers’ to help them add 3 digit numbers together.
Emotional Wellbeing Pilot
We are delighted to let you know that the Primary 4 and 5 classes at Dunlop Primary School have been chosen to take part in Emotional and Mental health pilot with Jane Ritchie, who is an OT with many years experience.
This pilot is designed to teach the children about mental health and to provide them with strategies to help them in the future.Jane will work with the children over a period of 4 weeks, using stories and games to help the children discuss emotions and wellbeing.
I have attached a flyer to this message, however I am aware that some documents are not opening, therefore I will also add this to the school app.
If you have any questions please email me at emma.white@eastayrshire.org.uk
Kind regards
Miss White
Parent Carer Information – Emotional and Mental Health Flyer
P4 Term 1 Learning Targets
We have started our modelling block on “Poppet” by Dick King-Smith, where the children have been introduced to new comprehension strategies which will aid their understanding of novels being read in class. The children will use Prior Knowledge/Prediction, Metalinguistics, Visualisation, Inference, Main Idea and Summary. After the modelling block, we will move on to a second novel where children will begin to take on a bit more independence using these strategies.
Phonics into Spelling Programme
There will be 2 weeks focus on spelling then 2 weeks on phonics in rotation.
We will be looking at punctuation, adjectives, verbs and nouns in more detail. Children will also be looking at linking sentences with connectives.
This term we will focus on the genre Explanation/Procedural which will include letter writing, instructions and report writing.
Handwriting – focusing on the formation of letters
Talking & Listening
The children will be asked to prepare a short solo presentation linked to our next topic (Polar Regions).
‘Number Talks’ – pupils will develop a range of mental maths strategies through Number Talks.
Number Processes – Our numeracy lessons will include a mixture of concrete, pictorial and written methods to reinforce learning and deepen understanding. We will revise prior learning of place value before moving on to reading, writing and ordering numbers up to thousands for some.
Understanding the role of zero as a placeholder in three-digit numbers.
Estimating and Rounding – We will revise prior learning of rounding before moving on to rounding 3-digit numbers to the nearest ten and hundred.
Addition & Subtraction – We will develop a range of strategies to add and subtract within 1000 for some.
Multiplication and Division – We will be revising and learning some of the times tables, such as the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10.
Social Studies/Science
Our Social Studies topic this term is ‘Australia’. This topic will include covering:
- Identifying states and main cities
- Major landmarks
- Compare Scottish and Australian landscape
- Key features of the Great Barrier Reef
Later in the term our Science topic will be ‘Polar Regions’. This topic will include:
- Looking at the extreme conditions and how animals have adapted to survive
- Food chains
- The melting polar ice caps
- Northern Lights
- Native dwellers of the Polar Regions – Inuits
- STEM challenges linked to the topic
Health & Wellbeing
Primary 4 will complete a block of hockey followed by Active Health circuit activities in order to promote a healthy lifestyle.
Currently the children are looking at Growth versus Fixed Mindsets. We will also reinforce the school values as well focusing on friendships.
Expressive Arts
Various skills of Art & Design will be explored through the topics of Australia and Polar Lands.
Music – linked to our Australia topic including listening to and sharing our thoughts on Indigenous Australian music
The children will develop their independence using the GLOW platform and TEAMS. We will also focus on PowerPoint within Office 365.