Take a look at P4 skimming and scanning for evidence related to inference questions.
Tag Archives: primary 4 21/22
P4 – Scottish Fortnight
P4 have been busy learning about Scottish Castles for Scottish fortnight. We researched castles and then presented our findings to each other. In numeracy, we applied our knowledge of perimeter and created a castle floor plans using Lego. We then had to record the perimeter of each room.
P4 – Learning Targets
P4 will continue to develop their comprehension skills through using the Active Literacy strategies (prior knowledge, metalinguistics, visualisation, inference, main idea and summary). We will be moving on to the novel ‘The Hundred Mile an Hour Dog’ by Jeremy Strong with pupils taking on more independence using these strategies
This term pupils will be focusing on persuasive writing and explanation as well as covering other genres through I.D.L topics.
Grammar and Punctuation
We will be learning about pronouns, prepositions, adverbs and ‘confusing words’ as well as continue to develop our knowledge of punctuation, including using commas for lists, speech marks and apostrophes to show possession.
Phonics into Spelling Programme
There will be 2 weeks focus on spelling then 2 weeks on phonics in rotation (same as last term).
Listening and Talking
Children will be performing a Scottish poem in front of their peers this term as part of Dunlop’s annual Scottish Poetry Competition.
Numeracy will continue to involve a mixture of concrete, pictorial and written methods to reinforce learning and deepen understanding. We will continually revise and consolidate areas of prior learning as well as focusing on the following new areas of learning:
- Fractions
- Money
- Number processes (multiplication and division)
- Properties of 2D and 3D shape
‘Number Talks’ – pupils will continue to develop a range of mental maths strategies through Number Talks.
Health & Wellbeing
- Gymnastics – rolling, jumping and balancing
- Basketball
This term we will begin our ‘Emotion Works’ programme by building and expanding on emotional vocabulary.
We will also discover the different ways that advertising, and media can affect choices.
Social Studies/Science
Social studies – for Scottish fortnight we will be learning about Scottish Castles.
We will continue with our science topic of ‘Polar Regions’ which we started just before the Christmas break. This topic will include:
- Looking at the extreme conditions and how animals have adapted to survive
- Food chains
- The melting polar ice caps
- Northern Lights
- Native dwellers of the Polar Regions – Inuits
- STEM challenges linked to the topic
Primary 4 will be working on embedding ICT into the curriculum. We will be using laptops and iPads to complete literacy and I.D.L. work.
We will also cover a block on ‘Internet Safety’.
P4 – French Rainbow Song
P4 have been learning the colours in French and had a go at singing the Rainbow Song. I was impressed with their lovely singing voices.
P4 Polar Bears
Take a look at our completed Polar Bears.
P4 – Polar Regions Winter Art
P4 spent the afternoon creating some winter themed art. We will share the finished result next week.
P4 – Measuring Outdoors
P4 have been learning about units of measure and practised estimating and measuring the length of every day objects in the playground.
P4 – Mental Health and Wellbeing
P4 have been working with Occupational Therapist, Jane, talking about mental health and well-being. We look forward to our final session next week.
Primary 4 – Aboriginal Art
Take a look at some of our very creative aboriginal art.
P4 – Spreading Kindness
For anti-bullying week, Primary 4 have spreading joy and kindness by writing some positive quotes in the playground for everyone to read. We have also been reading The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse in class and discussing some of our our favourite quotes.