Tag Archives: p1

Primary 1 Spelling w/k 4th October

In P1 this week we are learning the spelling words

  • is
  • it
  • an
  • in

Thus far, P1 have learned the sounds

  • a
  • s
  • t
  • n
  • r
  • i
  • m
  • p

If you would like, at home children could practise reading their spelling words,  practice reading their sounds and practice their letter formation.

Some activities could be,

  • writing in rice
  • looking for words in newspapers on the tv
  • Rainbow writing, children write their words using a different colour for each letter.

Some fun videos to remind the children of each sound, found on Youtube are

Jolly phonics songs

Geraldine the Giraffe

Topic: Making Porridge

This week P1 have been reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The class have absolutely loved this story and all the activities they have taken part in, especially making and eating porridge.

As it is maths week, this has been perfect for the children. They were able to weigh porridge oats, measure water and cook porridge for the correct amount of time.

The children tried plain, sweet and salty porridge

Plain 9/18 enjoyed “It’s a double thumbs up for me”

Sweet 16/18 enjoyed “That was delicious”

Salt 8/18 enjoyed  “I don’t like that one!”