Tag Archives: o’clock

Tuesday 1st Of December Primary 2 Numeracy

Good morning everyone.

Today we begin with some numeracy.

We have been using the Rekenreks for our number talks. If you follow the link you will find an interactive rekenrek that you can use. Ask your grown up to give you a number between 1-20, how many different ways can you show your grown up the number on your rekenrek? Remember to make use of the white and red colours to make a fast five or ten.

Grown-ups you might ask your child to show you 5 in one move or show you 12 in 3 moves and so on.


The children have been working on o’clock and half past. You could try the link below which takes you to the Topmarks website where you can play clock splat.


If you are in the smaller maths group you can complete the task that asks you to revise writing the seasons of the year. You can also complete the activity that asks you to put the hands on the clocks to show o’clock.



If you completed the calendar task yesterday then today you can try the task that asks you to show one hour before and one hour after in digital time. If you can do this then you could move onto the Fun at the Park task. This involves reading a time question and working out the answer.


Numeracy Primary 2 Monday 30th November

The children have been learning about time. The focus has been on o’clock and half past. Last week the focus moved to digital time. Many children were able to show o’clock and half past digitally.

We have been discussing

  • how many seconds in a minute
  • minutes in an hour
  • days in a week/fortnight/month/year
  • hours in a day
  • the days of the week (names/order)
  • the months of the year (names/order/ how many)
  • Seasons

This week if you are in the larger maths group then your focus is now on using a simple calendar. Please see the image that is attatched to this post. Can you answer the questions about the information that is on the calendar


On which day does Jessica go swimming?

Who has a birthday on a Thursday?

What is different about the last hockey training session to the others?]

On what date is Jessica going to the cinema with her friends?

What time does Jessica’s piano lesson begin?

When is Owen’s birthday?

How many hockey training sessions are there before the hockey final?

Primary 2 Numeracy Monday 30th November

For numeracy we have been learning all about time. Our focus has been o’clock and half past. The children have been doing this very well and now the focus is on o’clock and half past in digital time.

If you are in the group of children who have been completing the workbook then the activities on this post are for you to complete.

You could go around your house and find things that have a digital time on them. You could draw pictures of them. If you have catalogues or magazines you could cut out any pictures of clocks that you can find.

Remember we have been discussing

  • how many seconds in a minute
  • minutes in an hour
  • days in a week/fortnight/month/year
  • hours in a day
  • the days of the week (names/order)
  • the months of the year (names/order/ how many)
  • Seasons