Tag Archives: Mental maths

Friday 4th December Primary 2 Numeracy

For numeracy today I would like you all to try some mental maths questions. You could write your answers on a whiteboard or some paper.


  1. Double 7?
  2. What is one less than 9?
  3. What is the difference between 14 and 18?
  4. Dave has 5 cars, Jack has 10 cars, how many more does Jack have?
  5. What is the sum of 13 and 6?
  6. Subtract 4 from 12.
  7. I am driving my bus , three people get on at the first stop, at the next stop 5 people get on , at the last stop 2 people get off. How many people are on the bus.
  8. What is half of 16?
  9. 19 minus 3?
  10. Add these numbers together 4 and 6 and 5

Today you could also try the three minute number challenge. Set a timer for three minutes, begin at zero and write your numbers how high can you go before the timer runs out? You could have a competition with the people in your home.

You could also try our 50 to 0 challenge. Set the timer for three minutes and begin with 50, can you write all the numbers to zero before the time runs out?

You could also watch Numberjacks on YouTube or watch some of the Scratch Garden number songs.