Tag Archives: John Muir Award

Sponsored Walk 2021

On Friday afternoon the whole school braved the weather and set off up Trindle Green as part of our sponsored walk. We are very lucky to have such a beautiful walk on our doorstep and as you can see from the smiling faces everyone had great fun!

So far our Sponsored Event has raised over £1300! Thank you to all families who have supported this event and helped us to raise such an incredible amount of money. It is not too late to hand sponsor money into the school, if you still have some at home.



John Muir Discovery Award

This session Primary 6 and 7 have been working towards the John Muir Discovery Award. As part of our journey the children have had the opportunity to experience pond dipping, geocaching, orienteering and learnt more about the history of Dunlop.

The John Muir Award is a fantastic way to encourage our young people to become more aware of their surroundings and it was lovely to see all of the primary 6 and 7 children having fun and learning more about nature.

Primary 6 created ThingLink presentations to showcase their experience, click on the links below to have a look at some of the work they produced.



We are incredibly proud of all of our pupils and delighted to say that the have been successful in achieving their Discovery Award. Primary 6 will continue on their John Muir journey as they move into Primary 7.

John Muir Award – Day 2

Today we had another adventure in the Millennium Woods, and the rain even stayed off!

Today we collected a variety of different leaves and once back in class we organised them into groups and used a key to help identify the tree that they belonged to. Our next step is to use Microsoft Excel to complete graphs to collate our information.

In teams we used the leaves to create art work inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. I am sure will agree they are fantastic!

John Muir Award

This session Primary 6 and 7 are going to be working towards their John  Muir award. This award asks us to discover a wild place within our local environment and explore all it has to offer. If you would like to know more about this please follow the link https://www.johnmuirtrust.org/john-muir-award

In Dunlop we are incredibly fortunate that we have so many beautiful spots on our doorstep for us all to discover.

On Wednesday both classes ventured down to the Millennium Woods. Whilst we were there the children were asked to sketch a particular viewpoint, which when back in the class they would paint in watercolours. Their second task was to write down a variety of descriptions, using their senses. These descriptions will be used to create a piece of creative writing.

As we work towards the award the children will be given the opportunity to suggest ideas and we are really looking forward to hearing what they come up with.