Tag Archives: Ipads

The Human Body

As part of our topic on the human body, primary 6 have been learning all about the digestive system. Today we had fun experimenting with the journey that our food goes on when it enters our body. As you can see from the photographs the children really enjoyed themselves.
Each group used IPads to record their experience and they will use this evidence to create Sway presentations explaining what they have learned today.

Fabulous French

Primary 6 have been working incredibly hard to improve their French vocabulary and conversation. Over the last couple of weeks we have been practising how to say what we are called, how old we are, when our birthdays are and where we live. 

We decided to show off our digital skills also by using the Ipads to create these Chatterpix videos. All of our videos have been added to our E-portfolios for our parents to have a look at but we thought we would share a couple with you.

We hope you enjoy!