Tag Archives: ICT

P5 We Love Marty!

Today the children were beyond excited to meet Marty the robot!

The children used Scratch Editor to put together blocks of coding which made Marty walk, dance, light up, whistle, kick, wave and even do the splits!

I was so proud of how well the children worked as teams. They supported each other and learned form each other. Amazing to see. Lots of smiles and laughter too.

Throughout the session the children will develop their coding skills and use their knowledge to solve problems with Marty. They will also have lots of fun at the same time.

P4 Coding Challenge!

Wow! I am so impressed.

Today the children had a visit from the SSPCA.  They learned about the work done locally and where the rescue and rehoming centres are.

The children had to think about how animals feel when they are neglected or mistreated.

In small groups they then built a robot rabbit which they  programmed, using their tablet, to make the rabbit stories, which they had created, come to life.

Fabulous teamwork and amazing coding and programming skills.

An amazing experience!