Tag Archives: Fairyland

P1 Fairyland

P1 had an amazing time this afternoon when taking part in a science experiment, making butter. The children guessed how they could make the butter, some predictions were:

  • using milk and flour then cook
  • salt in a tub and shake it
  • putting cheese in the oven for 5 minutes

In two groups, pupils were given tubs with double cream which they had to shake as much as they could. This allowed the fat molecules to clump together and create butter and buttermilk. We put the butter in the fridge for 20 minutes and when it was ready, enjoyed it spread on a pancake.

Topic: Making Porridge

This week P1 have been reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The class have absolutely loved this story and all the activities they have taken part in, especially making and eating porridge.

As it is maths week, this has been perfect for the children. They were able to weigh porridge oats, measure water and cook porridge for the correct amount of time.

The children tried plain, sweet and salty porridge

Plain 9/18 enjoyed “It’s a double thumbs up for me”

Sweet 16/18 enjoyed “That was delicious”

Salt 8/18 enjoyed  “I don’t like that one!”