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HT’s Movie Night Challenge 4th-8th May 2020

What an amazing group of event organisers we have at Dunlop Primary & ECC.

They have used digital skills along with their acting, cookery, mathematical and literacy skills to provide their family with a fun night at the movies.



Please click on these links below:

Hunger Games Drawing Interval movie 12




P2B Homework Design Challenge

P2B have been learning all about people who help us and others. As a homework task, the children  created their  own vehicle linked to the topic of people who helps us and others. The children put in a lot of effort and absolutely loved taking part and creating their very own vehicle.  We really enjoyed sharing our learning with the whole school and the children spoke very confidently about how they designed and built their vehicle using only recyclable materials.

Primary 3 Massage

Thank you to all the parents who managed to come to our massage session.

If you didn’t make it please still ask your child to give you a massage, they are all experts.
