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Term 2 Learning Targets


This term, we will be reading ‘Coraline’ as our class novel and completing a modeling block around the text. We will use our Reading Strategies throughout, focusing on Prediction, Metalinguistics, Visualisation, and Inference.

In writing, we will be focusing on Descriptive pieces, using ‘Coraline’ to inform our pieces. We will be working on writing in more detail and deepening our reader’s understanding of character and setting through use of adjectives and similies. We will also look at adverbs in more detail to support our writing and add interest.



We will be focusing on Fractions and Percentages in Numeracy this Term. We will cover Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers, as well as finding Fractions of a number or set of objects. This will lead us into Percentages, where we will look at finding simple percentages using our prior knowledge with Fractions.

Number Talks will be given weekly, where we will focus on developing methods that are transferrable across all aspects on numeracy, allowing the children to gain confidence with mental strategies.


As part of the whole school Scottish Fortnight, we will cover Scotland Across the Decades, looking at the heritage and Culture of Scotland through time and making links to the present day. Through this topic, we will research some famous Scot’s and how their Scientific contributions have impacted on society.

Following this, our topic for the remainder of Term will be the Rainforest. We will carry out research surrounding the climate and environment. Within this topic, there will be plenty of opportunities for outdoor and STEM learning.


Health and Wellbeing

Our focus in Health and Wellbeing will be emotions and feelings. We will discuss different types of emotions and how these impact on our feelings and behaviours, as well as looking at some strategies to help us understand and manage this. The teaching will be delivered using the Emotion Works scheme, which is a progressive whole school approach. We will also be looking at Growth Mindset and creating our own mantra of positivity within the class.

We will be developing our Athletic skills in P.E through circuits and team exercises.

P1 Registration for Session 2022/23

P1 Registration 2022/23

P1 Registration week will take place from Monday 10 January until Friday 14 January 2022.

All applications require to be completed online at –

Any placing requests should also be completed online with a closing date for Placing Requests being Monday 31 January 2022.

Please see the attached poster for further information.

Enrolment poster P1 2022

Digital Advent – Day 4 + 5

Hello all,

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a lovely start to your week. Apologies for some delay with this weeks advent – please follow the links below see days 4 through 6.

Our festive superstars have been working very hard to bring you some joy every day and we hope you are enjoying so far!



Miss Morrison