Category Archives: Supporting your child with Literacy

Big Book Bash – Extreme Reading Home Challenge!

Dunlop Primary School and ECC , Big Book Bash and World Book Day 2020 – Extreme Reading Home Task

Thank you so much to the boys and girls from both the primary and ECC who took part in the Extreme Reading Challenge, please enjoy looking at the photographs below.

Please note – some of our extreme readers look like they are in danger but we can safely report, no one was injured and lots of good fun was had by all!

Thank you again for taking part, with kind regards, Mrs Nouillan

Active Literacy-Phonics and Spelling

Across the session we introduce common words that the children need to know how to read and spell in order to support their reading and writing. These words are introduced and reinforced during literacy lessons and consolidated and assessed on a regular basis.

Please feel free to use the list to support learning at home and recap on the words they have learned in school (your child will be able to tell you which words they are learning each week). It is always beneficial to revisit previous word lists.

Active Literacy Stg1-3 Common Words