Category Archives: Pupil Council

Our New Vision & Values

Below are the responses to our Vision & Values questionnaires.

We had responses from: 38 parents/carers , 3 partners, 189 pupils

and 10 staff                                                














The Pupil Council have looked at the feedback and agreed that the 4 most important values for the children and pupils of Dunlop Primary School & ECC are for us to be:

Happy        Respectful           Kind         Honest


 Climb that Hill


Thank you to everyone who took part in our consultation.

Dunlop Vision & Values

Our wonderful Pupil Council have started thinking about our new Visions and Values for the school & ECC.

Our school Badge has the image of Dunlop Hill and the motto ‘Climb that Hill’, which reflects how we aspire to be the very best we can be and overcome any challenges along the way.

Today we brainstormed what values we think a pupil at Dunlop Primary School and ECC display and came up with 18 values that we think are important, such as: happy, determined, honest, caring, mannerly etc. but then had the hard task of narrowing it down to the 4 that we feel are the most important values for us to promote across our school community.

We’ll now conduct a survey with our parent/carers, staff  and the other learners in the school & ECC to see what they think too!


We’ll hopefully let you know soon!