Category Archives: Primary 7

Newsletter from Education Scotland

Education Scotland have issued an newsletter for parents/ carers, please take a look on the link below and if you think this will be of benefit to you, you can sign up to receive a weekly update of when the newsletter is available.,6UY0V,3LDTL1,RK3PU,1

Have a look at the first issue of the Scotland Learns: Parents and Carers Newsletter to see learning activities for Literacy and Numeracy, support on wellbeing and a focus on the theme of food.

You will also find hints and tips, advice for engaging young people with autism in their learning and a creativity challenge.

Go to the Sign Up page, complete your details and tick the Scotland Learns- Parents and Carers Newsletter option. Don’t forget to click subscribe at the bottom. Doing this will ensure you receive a weekly email directly to your mailbox to let you know when a new newsletter is available.

With kind regards, Mrs Nouillan


HT’s Movie Night Challenge 4th-8th May 2020

What an amazing group of event organisers we have at Dunlop Primary & ECC.

They have used digital skills along with their acting, cookery, mathematical and literacy skills to provide their family with a fun night at the movies.



Please click on these links below:

Hunger Games Drawing Interval movie 12





Last week P7 had a week of STEAM based learning. We were learning to use Excel in maths to create pie charts of a social media survey conducted between p5-7. For science we were learning how to stop the spread of infectious diseases and then had to create a model hand washing device from a range of junk material. They only had a limited number of credits so had to be creative with resources and measure/calculate how much of each item they could use. P7 then had the choice to create a game, video clip, poster or drama sketch to then educate others.
The week ended on a high with a visit from the Science Centre which had a Renewable Energy focus.

Big Book Bash – Extreme Reading Home Challenge!

Dunlop Primary School and ECC , Big Book Bash and World Book Day 2020 – Extreme Reading Home Task

Thank you so much to the boys and girls from both the primary and ECC who took part in the Extreme Reading Challenge, please enjoy looking at the photographs below.

Please note – some of our extreme readers look like they are in danger but we can safely report, no one was injured and lots of good fun was had by all!

Thank you again for taking part, with kind regards, Mrs Nouillan

P7 Beat the Flood Test – Video clips